Near East University offers opportunities to its students and staff who want to receive health services.
Our university as a body provide students access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services, provide students and staff with access to mental health support.
Our students who want to get support on issues can apply to the Near East University Hospital, their related units, Psychological Counselling Center (PDRAM) or student associations/clubs in the field of health.
Psychological Counselling Center (PDRAM)
Relevant services are carried out according to the appointment system between the working hours (9.00-16:00) of our hospital on a paid basis.
PDRAM on the other hand, is provided free of charge by appointment system during working hours.
[email protected]
+90 392 444 0535
PDRAM: [email protected]

Near East University- Sexual Health Service Unit
Near East University- Sexual Health Service Unit
Purpose-Objectives of Unit:
Near East University 'Sexual Health Service Unit' is structured to provide education and consultancy services to university students in the field of sexual health. Young people need accurate, adequate and accessible sexual health education to protect, develop and maintain their sexual health. In this regard, increasing access to qualified sexual health education and consultancy services that respect the reproductive rights of young people is among the primary goals of the unit. In addition, we work in integration with clinical services on needed issues and support the diagnosis and treatment of sexual problems.
Service Framework:
Target Group: University Students
Education and Consultancy Service Subjects
- Sexuality, Safe Sexual Intercourse and Sexual Behaviors
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Pregnancy Protection Methods and Termination of Pregnancy
- Protection and Support against Sexual Harassment, Harassment based on Sexual Orientation, Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Dysfunctions
Education and Consultancy Group:
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek SARPKAYA GÜDER (Obstetric and Women's Health Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Lecturer)
- Dr. Özlem AKALPLER (Obstetric and Women's Health Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Lecturer)
- Phd (C.) Kemal ELYELİ (Public Health Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Lecturer)
- Msc. Rukiye USLU (Social worker, Health Science Faculty, SBF, Lecturer)
- Asist. Nilsu ATICI (Obstetric and Women's Health Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Research Assistant)
- Peer Education Group (Group of 7 undergraduate/graduate students)
Clinical Service Group;
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmet GÜN (Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meryem KARAAZİZ (Clinical Psychologist)

Contact: [email protected]